On April 2 of 2004 annual general shareholders meeting of bank CenterCredit JSC (Kazakhstan) will be held

12.02.04 20:11
On April 2 of 2004 annual general shareholders meeting of bank CenterCredit JSC (Kazakhstan) will be held /KASE, February 12, 04/ - Bank CenterCredit JSC (Almaty), whose securities are circulating in the official "A" listing category of Kazakhstan stock exchange JSC (KASE), informed KASE that on April 2 of 2004 it will hold the annual general shareholders meeting by the following agenda: Top management's report on general results of Bank CenterCredit activities for 2003. Report by revisory committee for 2003. Approval of annual financial report of Bank CenterCredit JSC for 2003. On net income distribution of Bank CenterCredit for 2003. On a number of announced shares. On revisory committee. On additional borrowings by the bank. Approval of deals, which are of interest to the bank. List of shareholders eligible to take part in the annual general shareholders meeting of Bank CenterCredit OJSC, will be recorded on the basis of information of bank's shareholders register as of March 10 of 2004. The meeting will take place at the following address: 181 Zheltoksan, Regent Almaty Ankara Hotel, Almaty. In case if shareholders do not constitute the quorum, the meeting will be reorganized on April 3, 2004 at the same address. [2004-02-12]